Using the Cookie Content banner without Tag Manager
Using the Cookie Banner without Google Tag Manager
If you would like to use our banner, you can also do it without Tag Manager. You have created a code for this in the Creator. You can add this in the header, or even better – in the body of the website. The code should look like this:
The code:
<!– CookiePlugin –>
var ddtscpt = document.createElement(‘script’);ddtscpt.src = “”;document.head.appendChild(ddtscpt);
var cp_settings = [
string: {
AcceptButtonFirstPage:’Allow cookies’
settings: {
BannerStyle: ‘ddtstyleModal1’,
function cp_analytics(){
//Insert all analysis scripts here
function cp_marketing(){
//Insert all marketing scripts here
function cp_social(){
//Insert all social scripts here
<!– End CookiePlugin –>
background: #f1f1f1;
font-family: “Courier 10 Pitch”, Courier, monospace;
font-size: 15px;
font-size: 1.5rem;
line-height: 1.6;
margin-bottom: 1.6em;
max-width: 100%;
overflow: auto;
padding: 1.6em;
The code downloads the script and style you chose. In addition to that, it activates the functions for consent if they have been given. This means that the right code must be inserted into the proper function.
It is basically divided into three categories:
- Analysis
- Marketing
- Social
The functions are as follows:
Analysis function:
function cp_analytics(){
//Insert all analysis scripts here
In the analysis function, you may insert all scripts for the web analysis, such as:
- Google Analytics
- Matomo
- Webtrekk
- Etc.
If your code is between tags, insert the code into the function without the tags. After you’ve added your code, you can save the whole code on your website.
Marketing function:
function cp_marketing(){
//Insert all marketing scripts here
This function includes all scripts that have anything to do with marketing, for example:
- Google Ads
- Facebook Pixel
- All remarketing pixels
- Etc.
Proceed with the insert as with the analysis function.
Social function:
function cp_social(){
//Insert all social scripts here
With this function you can add all of the scripts that have anything to do with social networks, such as:
- The Share button
- The Like button
- Etc.
Remember that certain Share buttons only share information and usually don‘t created it by themselves. If you are unsure, please do not hesitate to contact us.